The Sector Files

Angular Momentum

Book #1 from the series: The Sector Files

[Start Recording]

It’s not easy being me.

In a galaxy filled to the brim with narcissistic biologicals, being an artificial intelligence with a conscience isn’t a meteor shower or anything.

But I had a good teacher. And my experiences have taught me many things. So, when given the option to either sit on the sideline and watch as things unravelled...

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Chromatic Aberration

Book #2 from the series: The Sector Files

[Start Recording]

I started out on this journey with a solid plan. All missions need a well-thought-out action plan, don’t they? Well, mine had been good, and I’d taken steps to make it succeed. And then the worst thing happened.

I failed part one of my mission plan and suddenly I was spinning in circles and lost amongst the stars, deep in the...

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Elementary Particles

Book #3 from the series: The Sector Files

[Start Recording]

The stars have shifted and my mission along with them. I rescued the black-ops agents and sent a message to the Admiralty, but no plan survives contact with the enemy, right?

The more I try to complete the mission, the more it feels like I’m failing at the one thing the Originators asked me to do for them. And to make matters...

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